Ornithocheirus was a large pterosaur that lived in the early to mid Cretaceous. Its maximum wingspan is thought to have been 16 feet. This pterosaur is thought to have flown out at sea and eaten fish like a seabird. Because it is only known from a few highly fragmentary fossils, not much is known about its anatomy.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]081 by E H, on Flickr
I like the detail and highlight applied to the pyctofibers. Personally, I think the wings should be narrower, since Ornithocheirus was thought to have been an ocean going pterosaur, such as seabirds.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]082 by E H, on Flickr
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]084 by E H, on Flickr
The head is nicely done. Ornithocheirus only had teeth at the front of its jaws. Maybe this is how toothlessness evolved in later pterosaurs such as Pteranodon.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]085 by E H, on Flickr
The feet. There should be one more toe and the hallux should be much smaller and not stick out. I don't know if this figure is meant to stand, but mine won't. Pterosaurs were quadrupeds, not bipeds.
Overall, this is a really nice figure. There really aren't many Ornithocheirus figures that are easy to find. It's always nice to see a company do a pterosaur that's not often seen in figure form.
Overall, 8/10
The Beak-Snout